National Assisted Living Week® is held the week of September 12 – 18 this year. It was established in 1995 by the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL) to recognize the role of assisted living communities in the United States in caring for older adults and individuals with disabilities.
Residents, their loved ones, staff, volunteers, and the greater community are encouraged to celebrate the individuals served by America’s assisted living communities by holding commemorative activities and events, and to educate the public about the role assisted living communities fill.
Why help spread the word?
The positive impact assisted living communities play in the lives of those who are cared for in them and who work in them is incredible. According to NCAL’s statistics, there are approximately 28,900 assisted living communities with nearly 1 million licensed beds in the United States today. There are more than 800,000 Americans residing in those communities who are receiving some level of care. Nearly 433,000 total employees work in the assisted living profession, from entry level positions to college-educated professionals. The economic activity the industry brings all across the country is measured in the tens of billions of dollars annually.
How you can spread the word
The theme for this year’s National Assisted Living Week® is “Compassion, Community, Caring.” NCAL has assembled some great resources to help you get the word out, including an official planning guide, press and media packet, and logos. Posters, buttons, and other branded “merch” is available for order in the planning guide or on NCAL’s website here.
Need inspiration for a National Assisted Living Week® event in your senior living community?
Here are some ideas:
Throw a themed party or luncheon for your assisted living residents. Invite their loved ones and family members to attend.
Recognize the outstanding work your caregivers do with a luncheon, cookout, food truck day, or a pizza party.
Award your caregiver all-stars with special recognition like Caregiver of the Year Award, Resident’s Favorite Caregiver Award, and years of service pins.
Get the residents in on the celebration by holding a contest like best door decorations, an art show, or talent show. No matter the contest, let the residents vote on their favorites, and then award prizes to the winners.
Hold an in-person or virtual (like Facebook Live) commemorative event during the week of September 12 – 18 in which your community’s leadership (the executive director, director of nursing, and/or activities director) talk about all of the positive ways your community serves its assisted living residents. Choose some of your community’s assisted living residents to give short testimonials about how life in the community has been a positive experience.
Regardless of whether it’s an in-person or virtual event, invite your prospects, referral sources, and current residents’ loved ones to attend. Promote your event with an email blast to prospects and referral sources, post it online, and hand out flyers.
Get the most social media mileage out of the event by posting pictures and videos before, during, and after your celebration via your community’s Facebook and Twitter, and be sure to use the #NALW hashtag.
WelcomeHome is proud to be able to play a role in helping senior living communities connect in a positive way with older adults and individuals with disabilities who need the services assisted living provides.